By Avinash Mittur
Allow me to begin by saying that “Pleasure to Kill” is a very, very personal album for me. This isn’t a story of a social misfit, or a slacker who just wanted to play guitar all day. I was simply a junior in high school who wore band shirts and just wanted to get into a decent college. At the time, I was under a massive amount of pressure to succeed in many endeavors. Keeping my grades up, worrying about all of the standardized tests, extra-curricular activities, keeping my weight under control, and having an internship was starting to become too much for my mind to handle. Now, I had known of Kreator before; my friends recommended “Coma of Souls” and “Extreme Aggression” to me knowing that I was into old-school thrash metal, and their then-latest release “Hordes of Chaos” had been blasting through my iPod for a good while. However, when I picked up this album purely on a whim at the Amoeba Records in San Francisco, I had no idea what a bludgeoning aural assault it would inflict upon me. Continue reading “Retrospective: Kreator’s “Pleasure To Kill”, 25 Years Later”