Eddie Solis Talks Music, Car-Free Lifestyle & Lots More (Audio)

By Andrew Bansal

If you’ve been around Los Angeles’ local metal scene for any length of time, you probably already know who Eddie Solis is. But for those unfamiliar and/or based outside LA, let me make an attempt at doing justice to this guy’s repertoire. Currently in two bands, the hardcore punk duo It’s Casual and the Spanish-language hard rock quartet Matador aside from being a host of his own radio show ‘Los Angeles Nista’, Eddie was a freelance journalist for a long time and subsequently worked at Southern Lord Records. The man has lived and endorsed a car-free lifestyle for more than a decade now, which is what his radio show is all about. Last evening somewhere in Hollywood, Eddie and I met up and sat down to talk about his bands, the radio show, our beloved LA metro public transportation, LA metal scene, the new Sabbath record, and more. This is one of the most eccentric interviews I’ve ever done, focussing on things I usually don’t get to bring up. Grab a drink, sit back and listen to the 29-minute chat below, and after you’re done check out Eddie Solis, It’s Casual and Los Angeles Nista using the links at the bottom.


