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DEATH ANGEL at the Chain Reaction, Anaheim CA 02/20/11: Setlist

Browse by band name | Browse in reverse chronological order

Other Death Angel setlists: South Side Music Hall, Dallas TX 10/28/11 | Glass House, Pomona CA 03/05/11

  1. I Chose the Sky
  2. Evil Priest
  3. Buried Alive
  4. Mistress of Pain
  5. Claws In So Deep
  6. Seemingly Endless Time
  7. This Hate
  8. Relentless Retribution
  9. Truce
  10. Purgatory (Iron Maiden cover, instrumental, first verse only)
  11. Veil of Deception
  12. Opponents at Sides
  13. Bored/Heaven And Hell (Black Sabbath cover)
  14. Thrashers

  15. Lord of Hate
  16. River of Rapture
  17. Thrown to the Wolves

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

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