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Top 25 Metal Album Covers Of All Time
By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

5. Metallica: ...And Justice For All

The concept was given by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich and based on it the cover was eventually made by Stephen Gorman. Lady justice is shown cracked, bound and having her scales filled with dollar bills, with the words of the title written in graffiti next to it. The band definitely stated their opinion on the injustice in the legal system in the strongest manner possible, by putting this piece of art out as an album cover that would come to be possessed by millions, in a way spreading their message. With lyrics such as "Halls of Justice Painted Green, Money Talking" and "Justice Is Lost, Justice Is Raped, Justice Is Gone", the band also proved that the art concept and lyrical content went hand in hand all along.

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