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Top 25 Metal Album Covers Of All Time
By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

17. Megadeth: The System Has Failed

I fell in love with this cover when I saw it for the first time. The lyrical content on the album obviously makes a mockery of the American 'system' as a whole, but it's this cover that just drives the point home. The amount of detail that can be extracted from it is incredible. The cover shows famous (or notorious, however you may want to look at it) political figures. The briefcase labelled 'Plan B', the list of monetary fines for various criminal offences at the side of Vic's table who holds a 'not guilty' verdict in one hand and money in the other, with the words 'Unequal Injustice Under Law' written on the famous building in the background suggest how the system allows criminals to escape. You can read even further into it if you want to. I have just one word for this. Epic.

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