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MUNICIPAL WASTE at Glass House, Scion Rock Fest, Pomona CA 03/05/11: Setlist

Browse by band name | Browse in reverse chronological order

  1. Hazardous Mutation Intro/Blood Drive
  2. Accelerated Vision
  3. Mind Eraser
  4. Divine Blasphemer
  5. Headbanger Facerip
  6. Thrashin' of the Christ
  7. Wolves of Chernobyl
  8. Beer Pressure
  9. Black Ice/I Wanna Kill The President
  10. Wrong Answer
  11. Acid Sentence
  12. Terror Shark
  13. Drunk as Shit
  14. Sweet Attack
  15. Nailed Casket
  16. Sadistic Magician
  17. Unleash The Bastards
  18. Born To Party

  19. Pre Game/The Art of Partying

By Max Miron

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