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Metal Assault in association with CWG Magazine presents

The Head Cat: Live Review
By Jim Markunas

May 6th 2010, Key Club, Hollywood CA: When Ed and I first saw The Head Cat at MusInk earlier this year, we were 90% blown away. They rocked the show like a super group is supposed to, it was a simple, no-brainer. Thursday's performance, on the other hand, blew our balls clean off our respective pelvises. Ed and Tom (my trusty photographers) left the show sounding like they had huffed 13 gallons of helium. Yes, if I had to quantify the experience, I'd say it's safe to assert that everyone at the Key Club was 512.6 million percent blown away by The Head Cat, and spent the greater part of Thursday night sewing their balls back on, thank God for the County Hospital!

The Head Cat's three members, Danny B. Harvey (Lonesome Spurs, The Rockats), Slim Jim Phantom (The Stray Cats), and man who needs no introduction, Lemmy Kilmister, have been performing together for a few years, but seemed to really hit the bullseye more so than usual at their Key Club show. These men may be rock legends, but they treat The Head Cat like a favorite child, nurturing it fondly, and playing songs from their glory days as teens and twenty-somethings with the intensity and passion of a rock band playing a hometown gig.

That night, The Head Cat had the ferocity and grit of a band starting from scratch, a hell of a concept when you think of three rock veterans that, for all intents and purposes, could be coasting through shows like the rest of their peers. This is what makes The Head Cat such an awesome band, and is what makes Lemmy Kilmeister a great musician; The Head Cat is for damn sure not resting on their laurels, or relying on their fame to carry them through a show. Last week, they played from the heart, and it was fucking spectacular!

Read the entire review and check out some amazing pictures from the show here.

Also check out the band's official website.

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