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Phone interview with Brian Smith & Justin Severn from ANUBIS UNBOUND

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

December 30th 2010, Los Angeles CA

Brian talks about the process behind the band's new album "Treachery", influences, variations within the album, tour plans for 2011, and touring with Soilwork this year. Vocalist Justin joins in with the story behind the band's name, his personal influences and singing on the same stage as Soilwork. Brian then talks about the Baltimore scene, how the bigger shows have an impact on it, his favorite tracks on this album, changes in songs during the recording process, and the best memory from the year 2010.

Duration: 13 minutes & 24 seconds

Listen to their amazing song "Cessation" on our SoundCloud music player, "The Station" below. Also check out their official facebook.

Anubis Unbound - Cessation (Treachery) by metalassault

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