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In-person interview with Hansi Kursch from BLIND GUARDIAN

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

December 9th 2010, Henry Fonda Theatre, Hollywood CA

Hansi talks about the current North American tour, hitting cities where they never played before, shopping during off days, playing new songs like "Sacred Worlds" and "Wheel Of Time", the process of picking the set lists on a tour, changing up songs every night, support bands Holy Grail and Seven Kingdoms, playing bigger venues on this tour as compared to the previous tour, fans having more opportunity to meet bands here in North America, plans for another leg of dates, world tour plans, 70000 tons of metal cruise, and Judas Priest's decision of doing a farewell tour in 2011.

Duration: 15 minutes & 35 seconds

Check out Blind Guardian's official website.

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