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E-mail interview with Mary Weiland
By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal
November 24th 2009, Los Angeles CA

Andrew: I've read the first few pages of your book already and it's very interesting so far! What made you decide to write this book?
Mary: Every crisis can be an opportunity and my bipolar diagnosis was something I chose not to hide. People are hungry for honesty and I wanted to open a conversation on the topics of addiction and mental illness. I just wanted to write the kind of book that I would have loved to have read when I felt lost, and was looking for some inspiration and maybe even a laugh or two.

Andrew: How long did it take for you to write it?
Mary: The process began just over two years ago. The actual writing was maybe a year. Writing it, it turned out, was part of my own recovery.

Andrew: How difficult was it to be completely honest and open in writing what you wanted to write?
Mary: The only concern I had was how the truth would affect the kids. My goal was to write honestly, but with love and respect for Noah, Lucy and their dad.

Andrew: Discovering that you had bipolar disorder must have been completely shocking. How much did it help you talking about it in the book?
Mary: The act of typing and staring at a computer screen felt private and yet it was powerful. The payoff has been all the stories people have shared with me after they've read "Fall to Pieces." I can't believe how many are struggling themselves and fear reaching out because mental illness is buried under a tremendous amount of shame.

Andrew: Did you manage to get the approval of everyone you wanted to include for your memoirs, or was there someone who didn't let you write about him/her?
Mary: I have a great circle of friends that know and trust me. No one asked that I not mention them. However, there were occasions when I thought the more respectful choice was not to.

Andrew: Are you considering writing more books in the future or was this just a one-off?
Mary: I keep my fingers crossed that I'll have another opportunity to write. Right now my focus is on family and school. I suspect I'll want to write again soon, though. Writing is often tough, but that's a great feeling.

Andrew: Finally, what would you say to inspire people who want to quit drugs but are having a difficult time doing it?
Mary: NEVER give up. Recovery is a process that requires commitment and hard work. One step forward, two steps back. Progress in a positive direction is the goal. I tried not to acknowledge the two steps back and focus on the one step forward. But it's all part of the wonderful journey we all take. None of us are truly alone, and in this often impersonal world, it's been so satisfying to reach out and tell this story... and find that so many people have taken it to heart.

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