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Interview: Death Angel's Ted Aguilar Talks About Touring, Health, Fan Q&A (Video)

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal, October 28th 2011, South Side Music Hall, Dallas TX: Death Angel has to be one of the most underrated bands on the planet, if not the most underrated. Through their consistently great albums and fantastic live performances, the Bay Area-based thrashers have won me over, and my love for their music will only increase from this point on. There are a few, in fact very few bands I would always see whenever they come to my town, and in some cases, go out of town to see them. Death Angel will always remain on this list.

This year, the band has toured extensively to promote their latest studio effort Relentless Retribution, playing a good chunk of it in their shows and doing perfect justice to the power and passion these songs exude in plenty. Currently, they are on tour with Anthrax and Testament and continue to present their new material.

I flew out to Dallas to catch this tour, and managed to sit down with guitarist Ted Aguilar for a detailed conversation. Watch below as Ted talks about the band's current and recent touring run, the idea and process behind the Fan Q&A videos, and lots more. Make sure you check out the band's official website after you do so!

Video by Amanda G Hernandez

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