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Interview: Fear Factory's Byron Stroud Talks About Upcoming City Of Fire Album (Audio)

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal, October 24th 2011, Los Angeles CA: Started by Fear Factory's Byron Stroud and Burton C. Bell in 2008, Canadian hard rock band CIty Of Fire have released one self-titled album and are well on their way towards releasing a follow-up album, in the early part of next year.

Through their musical style, the band puts forth an approach that's refreshingly organic as compared to the industrial and often machine-like sound Fear Factory fans are used to. Although they haven't done too many live shows outside Canada, they did tour countries like Australia and New Zealand and prepare to get more active in that aspect once this album is released.

A few days ago, on October 24th, I spoke to Byron over the phone to talk about this upcoming album, among other things. Listen to the 10-minute conversation below, and follow the band's facebook page for further updates.

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