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Phone interview with Matt Guillory from the JAMES LABRIE Band

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

October 6th 2010, Los Angeles CA

In this interview, Matt talks about the new album Static Impulse, compares it to the previous album and says he is looking forward to the upcoming U.S tour. Matt then talks in depth about the concept of the album title and its lyrical content, how the writing process works in the James LaBrie band, the song on the album that's most special to him and the artwork.

We go on to discuss the structure of the set list for the upcoming tour, the Mullmuzzler project, how Matt got the gig with James LaBrie, his influences, the Dream Theater situation, why Dream Theater fans will like 'Static Impulse', his other projects, and touring plans for the James LaBrie band.

Check out the James LaBrie band's official website.

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