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Phone interview with Brian Werner of Infernaeon

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

September 15th 2010, Los Angeles CA

Part 1: The new album 'Genesis To Nemesis', the obstacles they had to face through the writing process, how the new band members and producer helped things, how he found the new guitarists and the idea behind the album title.

Part 2: Brian talks about the reason for choosing the bible as subject for the lyrical content, the music on the new album, his own songwriting as well as that of his new members, combining elements of death metal and black metal, and writing 'metal for metalheads', the upcoming tour with GWAR and The Casualties and why GWAR fans are the most 'metal' fans on the planet.

Part 3: Brian talks about the band's immediate future plans including a video shoot for a Metallica cover with a GWAR member in it, gives a shoutout to Goatwhore as a band he respects a lot, the guest musicians on the new album, announces the departure of drummer Jeramie and Adam Sagan (ex-Into Eternity) as the new permanent drummer, and the origin of the band's name.

Check out Infernaeon's official myspace.

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