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In-person interview with Eicca Toppinen of Apocalyptica

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

September 8th 2010, Club Nokia, Los Angeles CA

Part 1: The current tour, previous headlining tour in 2008, opening for Metallica, touring vocalist for this tour, new album 7th Symphony and how its different from Worlds Collide, and playing with Dave Lombardo.

Part 2: Eicca talks about having more freedom with instrumental tracks, fans' reaction to the last two albums, the bonus DVD with an acoustic performance, the origin of the band's name and the idea behind playing cello metal, how the addition of a drummer and the departure of Antero changed things.

Part 3: Eicca talks about the support bands Dir En Grey and Evaline, the music video shoot earlier this year, a hilarious story about losing a band member in Bulgaria, cooking skills, musical influences and upcoming touring plans, with a promise to come back to the States as early as thanksgiving.

Check out Apocalyptica's official website.

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