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Armored Saint: In-depth Interview With Joey Vera (Video)

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal, July 9th 2011, Key Club, Hollywood CA: I caught up with Armored Saint bassist Joey Vera as he talked in great detail about the reason for Armored Saint not following the usual write-record-tour cycle, the musical direction on the latest album and what the future holds in that regard. He also talked about the band's upcoming European festival show, his projects as a producer and a variety of other subjects.

He was very pleasantly surprised when I pulled out my March Of The Saint vinyl, and we talked in detail about the whole vinyl listening experience, the story behind the artwork for that album, and vinyls these days versus vinyls back then.

I rate this as the best out of the 692 interviews I have done till date, purely because of how eloquent and easy-going Joey was with his answers. I hope you enjoy watching the 20-minute chat below.

Video by Chad Alexander

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