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Phone interview with Kai Hansen of Gamma Ray

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

June 4th 2010, Los Angeles CA

I spoke on the phone with Gamma Ray frontman Kai Hansen to talk about the new album 'To The Metal' and how those songs are translating live in the current set list for Gamma Ray's shows. Kai agreed that the title song 'To The Metal' is a metal anthem of sorts, and the people enjoy singing along with it. He also talked about guitarist Henjo's eye problems, working with Michael Kiske and the production aspect of the new album. He deemed the previous tour with Helloween as a success and doesn't rule out the chance of it happening again. Another former member he talked about was Ralf Scheepers. We ended the conversation by discussing the prospects of an upcoming North American tour. Listen to the chat below!

Check out Gamma Ray's official website.

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