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E-mail interview with Johnny Hedlund of Unleashed
By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal
March 15th 2010, Los Angeles CA

Andrew: Can you tell me a little bit about the upcoming album 'As Yggdrasil Trembles', what the fans can expect and how it compares to your previous efforts?
Johnny: This new album has a lot in common with our previous efforts of course. We always keep to the roots and develop within our style. But before making this album we spoke about having Fredrik giving this album some more of his guitar leads and also put some more horror to this album. I think we achieved just that.

Andrew: It is after a gap of 17 years [since 'Across the Open Sea'] that we'll be hearing a cover song on a studio album of yours. What made you decide to do it after so long?
Johnny: Actually we didn't. The Death cover song was made to be put out on special editions only. I don't know if our record company changes this along the road of release, but I can't say for certain. They asked us for a bonus track so we recorded a song by one of the strongest and most influential death metal acts ever, Death.

Andrew: Other than the five European festival dates already announced, what else are you planning touring-wise, specially for North America?
Johnny: We have even more festivals coming up and also a European tour is of course in the plans. As for North America we await a good offer. Of course we'd love to come over again just as we are used to doing with a new album.

Andrew: You got into some trouble in the past [in 2002], being falsely accused of Nazi sympathy. Was that because of some lyrics you wrote at that time? Do you think people today are more open-minded about these things?
Johnny: I think some people, not that many today, need to go and take history classes. And also learn English properly. I think some years ago some people confused the Thor's hammer for being a right wing symbol only because they saw some skinheads wearing it. We never backed down from telling the real meaning about the Viking traditions and values. And they are far from being Nazi as most people today can appreciate. I don't think they even read my lyrics, or this would have become very clear to them.

Andrew: Your return after the 1997-2002 hiatus with the album 'Hell's Unleashed' turned out great. Had it not been successful, where would you imagine yourself to be in the year 2010?
Johnny: We would have kept on striving. Success is not only met in terms of sales or even annual sales. It must be measured in a number of different ways but most importantly over time. And I am not talking about 10-15 years. We have a long way to go yet before I will start measuring how things turned out in the past. Ask me again in 2030, and I promise you a more specific answer.

Andrew: Every song of yours in based on a concept, and yet you have been releasing an album every two years. How do you manage to do it!
Johnny: I have more ideas than I can handle at the moment which is a nice platform for making new songs. I have been working for example on a story never before told. This starts with the first three songs on this album and then continues on the next album. So yeah, we get pretty busy.

Andrew: Since the return in 2002, I believe neither you nor your other members have been involved in anything other than Unleashed. I always wonder, is that a major factor in keeping any band together for a long period?
Johnny: The fact that we stick to the roots and keep developing within our style of music. We don't change style by the wind and never walk away from principles. Every band member has his choirs to do and takes them seriously. We have had a clear vision for Unleashed ever since the start back in 1989. I think that's the key.

Andrew: The band celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. Where do you see yourself and Unleashed in the next 10 years?
Johnny: Good question. I think we'll be just a little bit bigger than now and I will love every second of it. By then, we are releasing our 15th album continuing the story we just started on As Yggdrasil Trembles. Much of what we have done in the past in terms of lyrics will come clear and return from our old records, implemented in the story.

Andrew: According to my information, you haven't released a live album since 1996 and never released a live DVD. When are you thinking of doing something like that for the fans?
Johnny: We are working on a DVD with tons of stuff on VHS and older formats, but also new stuff of course. Lots of fun shit from our early years. But we need a budget in order to complete it. We shall see who will come up with such first.

Andrew: Metal here in America isn't anywhere near as big as it used to be when you started playing. After all these years, what gives you the motivation to still keep touring here and trying to win people over?
Johnny: We are always looking for good offers for touring. And we will always tour one way or the other. We are a death metal band and a live act before anything. The warriors of America have always treated us amazingly and that's why we keep coming back.

Check out the band's website!

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