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In-person interview with Ted Aguilar from DEATH ANGEL

By Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal

February 22nd 2011, Key Club, Hollywood CA

Ted talks about a wide range of topics including the recent 70000 tons of metal cruise, playing with fellow Bay Area bands and having no "backstage area" on the cruise, last Sunday's Anaheim show, playing new material, asking fans to pick the set list, his favorite live songs off of "Relentless Retribution", playing from the entire catalog versus playing albums in entirety, the song "Claws In So Deep", stage diving, the Scion Rock Fest, touring plans, writing on the road, the idea of releasing a guitar tab book along with the new album, the upcoming festival gig in Philippines, and traveling to new territories around the world.

Duration: 19 minutes

Check out Death Angel's official website.

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